Shadows and Sunshine in the Valley
We are journeying through a valley - sometimes there are patches of sunshine, but other days are shadowy and sometimes it is very dark, more like a chasm. I have been reminded again and again of a beautiful song, “In the Valley” by Bob Kauflin which speaks to our hearts the comfort of knowing God’s glorious purpose, “ the valley's where You make me More like Christ " “When you lead me to the valley of vision…” God is leading us. He has brought us into this valley. He knows every step of the path we are treading. On this afternoon twelve weeks ago, I was expecting to find out that Geoff might have pneumonia. A cough which appeared at the start of June had become persistent. Hence, it was extraordinary that Geoff managed to preach for the recorded services on Friday evenings. Yet each Saturday he seemed increasingly tired, eventually reaching a state of exhaustion. At this point his GP ordered a chest X-ray. Days later, when Geoff arrived home with the results, his grave exp...